At the Garden exhibition in Munich,
I had the pleasure to create a landart-concept together with young people.
Kalle Weidemann
Net.ev for example had the idea
to create out of my changing boards changing stones.
My idea was to make texts onto them, pictograms to be changed by others.
Nick Fritsch from the JBN a Youth organisation of the NGO BUND
for nature protection lead the troop
We were a great team, and the examples are their personal achievement.
I hope to put their names on this page.
I know only their nicknames and Nick hasn’t sent me a list jet.
The Idea is to create a path with on both sides painted stones.
They are to be found at this place in the ground. The stones add to a always changing text out of pictures and words along the way.
Through turning and dislodging the stones by the passing people,
the statements turn into "flowments".
For the casual visitors was even the possibility available to create new
changing stones, some did.It’s an idea to create anew everywhere.
I had a first go with children and adults
earlier this year in Wartaweil at the Ammer lake.
The Face made there ended at the BUGA Munich. Face 1to 3. The creator was a boy about
10? years old.
Fundamental is only, no owner, no copyright and no strict rules.
Only change!
If you find such Changing Stones, or the Idea appeals to you, go along! |

Axel Luther Bayreuth Germany